Reference :- Mr Morrison slouched and looked tired as he begged teachers to return to work .
Well Mr Morrison , the bedraggled look always helps when one begs . For more effect you could have worn one of your patriotic american baseball caps , taken it off as a sign of respect , and nervously fidgeted with it while you begged . Taking your good old uncle Scomo approach and pretending you could give a rats about the education of our kids might fool some . But teachers are a canny bunch , and they might remember that you cut 14 billion out of funding for public schools back in 2017 when you were treasurer. Fellow neo -liberal ideology fan, Mr Tony Abbott supervised 30 billion in cuts to education while he was holding the reins of power . ( Neo-liberalism is a funny name for an ideology , since it is neither new nor liberal . Like the name for those supposed "free trade agreements " that contain thousands of pages of restrictive legal clauses . )
Let's hope that the teachers are prepared to forgive and forget . Otherwise how will you get enough people to work if there is nobody to mind the kids ?
Anyway , did you see that Boris Johnson has expressed his gratitude to the NHS for saving his life . That might stop him from selling it to the Americans , who aren't doing too well in their particular battle against the galloping flu .
If the teachers stand by you with this , Mr Morrison , maybe you can return the favour eventually ?
Remember , we are all in this together .
Your comrade , Ken
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