Monday, March 30, 2020

Reference :- There is more to staying in safe lockdown than meets the eye.

Reference :-    Monte pointed out that we were  not as safe in lockdown as we thought .

The news being rather repetitive these days , we made some new rules limiting how often we turn on the television set for an update .  It was a wise decision . The days pass pleasantly getting jobs done around the house , and playing scrabble , which is becoming quite an obsession .

The canine member of the household , Dog , gets bored during our scrabble games . He paws at us and  drops a slobbery tennis ball on our laps to encourage us to play with him  . And when we don't , he heads off to Kooralya with the ball in his mouth looking for better company .

 Yesterday , when he came home he had obviously enjoyed a fun excursion .  He wagged his tail furiously , grinned , panted , and drooled everywhere . Then shared his elation by jumping all over us.

 Monte pushed him away , horrified .   " Down Dog down !  "  Monte shouted  " Bad Dog ! Bad Dog ! .....   Go to your rug !!!       Monte pointed at Dog's rug .  Dog slunk to his rug ,  head down , and sat there guiltily watching us with nervous eyes .

The other lads were confused  "   Hey , take it easy on Dog . What did he do ? "  Gabbo said .
 It was then that Monte pointed out that most of Kooralya would have patted Dog , and the he could be all clapped up with coronavirus .

 Well , that was certainly a canny observation .   Monte  has a tub, gloves and Dettol for use when Dog comes home putrid from rolling in a well fermented dead kangaroo . Monte  put on his  gloves . Dog's head hung low, as he anticipated  bath time .    Dog doesn't handle disgrace very well.    But after the shame of being washed under the tank stand ,  he always makes a point of deliberately shaking  himself beside us .  We shout with horror , and he comes good pretty fast . 

The funny thing is , the spray of bath water he splatters over us always takes us by surprise .
Dog is now free of contagion . The gate is shut ,  and Dog is in lockdown too .   It's a pity  he doesn't play scrabble .

 Your comrade , Ken   


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