Friday, March 20, 2020

Reference :- Not everybody has to change their lifestyle because of the coronavirus pandemic .

Reference : -   The Sky Reply team decided to visit an old chap who lives alone , in case he had not yet heard the news about the current health crisis.

Old Harry lives alone, in his hut down by the river, about five miles out of Kooralya .    He seldom comes to town in his antique Landrover , and we hadn't seen him for awhile , so we took a run out there to see how he is holding up .

Harry was in fine shape .  We asked him if he had plenty of toilet paper , and he said there were still lots of back issues of The Australian in the outhouse .  We thought that he was probably unaware of the crisis, since he doesn't even listen to the ABC radio anymore .  He says ABC stands for Another  Bloody Crisis .  Well we don't totally agree with that assessment , but on occasion he may have a point .

Anyway , Harry was pleased to have visitors , and put on the kettle to make us a cuppa.   Even his dog was pleased to have visitors .  While the tea brewed we told Harry that the market economy of the whole world was collapsing . We told him that governments have lowered interest rates to near zero, and poured billions into propping up the financial sector .  We told him thousands had lost their jobs , and businesses everywhere faced bankruptcy .  We told him the government was struggling to keep people calm , and that new laws has been introduced to keep people at home in isolation . We told him there had been panic buying at supermarkets and some necessities were in short supply .  We told him many people only had a few weeks cash available and would soon be unable to pay their mortgages . We told him that big companies and the financial sector may end up receiving the lion's share of the bail out money , leaving those most in need with next to nothing,  and taxpayers with a huge bill .

Harry said he knew that's what would happen .

  "How did you hear about the coronavirus ? "  Gabbo  said  .

" What's coronavirus ?  " Harry said .

  Your comrade , Ken 


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