Monday, February 3, 2020

Reference :- Celebrated Prime Minister , Mr Scott Morrison is losing in the polls .

Reference :-   Most of the team at Sky News have withdrawn their support for Mr Morrison . It seems that being a champion for neoliberalism is not enough for them anymore .  

 Indeed , Mr Morrison sir , it is always tough when your crew starts to whisper mutiny .  That last advertisement you ran , cleverly disguised as an interview with Peta Credlin ,went reasonably well , although her almost total silence hinted at things to come .   I fear Andy Bolt , might finally be tired of pointlessly attacking aboriginal historians  . He needs another victim  to sink his teeth into,  and it appears to be you that  he is smacking his lips over .

 Nevertheless , those polls that show your popularity disappearing faster than a pork sausage  in an RSPCA kennel , may not accurately reflect the opinion of the electorate .   Now is not the time to panic about the security of your position .  Perhaps having a bag packed and a flexible first class ticket to Timbuktu booked is wise , but try to stay calm .

My son , Ken junior , is willing to run another poll which he is sure will produce more encouraging figures .    He is prepared to run it gratis , out of respect for the great achievements that will forever
characterise your short stint as a world leader .

Obviously the outcome of any poll is heavily influenced by both  the wording and the order of the questions , and this is how Ken junior hopes to garner support for your "brand " , as they say these days .  Knowing how particular you are about secrecy when it comes to public documents , he doesn't mind giving you a preview of the questions,  outlined  below , in case you have something you wish to add .

 There are only two questions , since most people are busy these days with one thing or another . 

 Question 1.  From the following list , who would you prefer as Prime Minister ? 

 A .    The right honorable ( How good is Australia ? )  Mr Scott Morrison .

 B.      Communist sympathiser  Anthony ( let's tax everyone  ) Albanese

 C.     Trevor ( would you like to see my etchings? ) the sex offender who lives opposite  the park .

 D.      Penny ( she is so intelligent and articulate we all feel inadequate ) Wong

 E .      A fried bat  ( there are plenty about ) on a stick .

 F.        Couldn't give a rat's 

Question 2  .    Which of the following statements most accurately reflects your view of  Mr Morrison's short stint as Prime Minister ?

 A       How good is mining ?     Thumbs up Scomo !

 B        Brilliant , but a tad more needs to be done to prepare for the fire season  .

 C.       A top effort , in the face of unfair criticism from crazy environmentalists   .

 D .       Well done for staying focused on the budget surplus in tough times .

 E.       We haven't had a roof over our heads for two months . When does our relief money arrive ?

 F.        Couldn't give a rat's .

    Ken junior will run the poll tomorrow .  It shouldn't take long . He met an English backpacker who is working as a barmaid at the pub , and she apparently told him she was greatly interested in his poll and would gladly give him a hand anytime .    

   Your comrade ,  Ken






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