Sunday, February 16, 2020

Reference :- Andy Bolt admitted there is climate change .

Reference :-     Apparently , Andy Bolt tells us , he has been saying the planet is warming for ages but we weren't listening to him . 

 Andy , it takes a courageous man to admit he has been full of crap for years , and it would be unfair of us to hold you to such high standards .  No apology is expected .   You say we must not have heard you each time you agreed that the world was warming .   I guess it must be because of all the noise you and the Sky News team keep making as you berate  97%  of the world scientists for being the moronic pawns in a leftie climate conspiracy .   So now you are saying that they are correct  about global warming .....or rather, reconfirming that you have always said that they were correct  . But then you say they are drawing the wrong conclusions from the data .

 You first ridiculed the data , but finally agreed with it .  Now you think the scientific  interpretation of the data is wrong . I guess that will keep the leftie climate change alarmist stories rolling for longer .

Well I am glad that is all cleared up . For awhile it was confusing .
  I see that your new spin is that global warming produces useful changes . 
 That is good news indeed for farmers in Greenland , but what about the estimated 20 billion quid Australia is expected to lose from agricultural production over the next decade alone ?

 Or are the scientists wrong about that  Andy ?  I mean they can't keep making you look like a dickhead forever . Surely you will be right about something sooner or later .    

 Your comrade , Ken

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