Reference :- Ken junior reckoned we were all getting a bit too serious and needed to chill, so he roped us all into helping him cook up a batch of his special herb cookies . We ate quite a few in the process, and had so much fun we forgot how to do our usual bizarre punctuation .
We all ended up in Monte's home made Balinese hut munching on cookies like a puppy on an expensive sandshoe because last year Monte went to Bali on an excursion organised by one of his teachers and says he had the best time ever and couldn't wait to knock up his own Balinese hut when he got home and initially the teacher was going to help out but then the teacher had to go to a state of the art urology facility in Sydney for some reason and we never saw him again but Monte did a great job using empty beer cans and lots of those styrofoam boxes that mangoes come in because you can carve those boxes any shape you like then glue them together slap on some orange and green paint and you'd swear you were out the back of a pub in Seminyak so Ken junior put a Hendrix album on the turntable and in no time the onerous responsibility of editing The Sky Reply was forgotten along with the abilty to punctuate and Gabbo started telling dreamtime legends and before I knew it the lads were expounding theories like wild things all about the state of the nation and it really made my heart sing then Monte said Andrew Bolt has been gone for so long because he's been visiting the cave so I said do you mean Paul Murray's new man cave but Monte said he meant the bushranger's cave up near Tenterfield where Andy's great grandad Thunder Bolt used to hide out and he said he thought Andy might be worried about it during the bushfires but Ken junior said it is probably a family tradition and each generation of Bolt males has to go there every Christmas to meditate and elaborate the following year's cruel neoliberal agenda then I said that maybe Andy was there to dry out after hitting the bottle too hard in the lead up to the joyful Christmas shopping jamboree but Gabbo said he believed Andy was actually Bender from Futurama in disguise and that he runs on alcohol but can't take too much and the aliens have taken him to a distant galaxy to spruce up the dark matter that cranks his hard drive and he will come back darker than ever then Gabbo laughed his head off picturing Andy in blackface but went on to say that he thinks the entire LNP is actually made of cloned aliens which is why they can travel all over the world in a flash because there is more than one clone for each of them and that's why the prime minister can be in Hawaii one minute and at a bushfire the next but sometimes the clones wear out and run haywire like the clone of Scott Morrison that wandered around the bushfires like a zombie scaring people and or that one of Angus Taylor that went to Spain and spoke gibberish at a climate conference and almost gave the game away so it looks like people are getting suspicious but will they work it out soon enough to stop the world being destroyed by free market capitalism leaving us unable to resist the impending alien invasion anyway man I think I might just chill and groove on the implications of that while I munch on another cookie your comrade Ken .
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