Monday, January 27, 2020

Reference :- Andy ( I am not a climate change denialist ) Bolt is back !! Sort of .

Reference :-   Yesterday's local newspaper ran a full page of Andy Bolt's cutting edge journalism .   It was impossible to determine whether it was an actual article or a paid advertisement from Sky News , but what a treat it was to enjoy Australia's most read columnist over a morning cuppa .

Thanks Andy . You managed to squeeze two illuminating articles on to the page  , and as usual ,both are worthy of comment .

 I see you are still relentlessly pursuing the truth regarding the genetic heritage of author and experienced  firefighter Mr Bruce Pascoe .  The Australian Federal Police have dismissed allegations against him . I guess they have many more pressing investigations into high level corruption to deal with , so good on you for not giving up.  

Mr Pascoe  may be a nice bloke who has warned us about the importance of controlled burns for years , but it is clearly a danger to the nation if his belief that he has an aboriginal ancestor is mistaken .  He  does claim that only a fraction of a smidgen of his blood contains indigenous corpuscles .  But that may be untrue . It's obviously difficult to confirm  , what with all those massacres and forced relocations over the years  , but a thorough investigation is clearly in the national interest .  I feel certain you are just the man to tease the facts from the wild claims and the racism .  

  I tried to get my son Ken junior to read that part of your advertisement , or column if you prefer ,  but half way through he lost interest and nodded off.    Sadly, unlike us ,  many young ones don't value the truth anymore .

 The bigger headline on your page informed us that global warming is good for us .  The farmers around here are certainly glad to read  that , especially since you referenced the sources leading you to arrive at that conclusion .   I see you are still telling climate scientist  Professor Pitman what he thinks .   It's a bit rich of him to keep claiming you have quoted him out of context . Who does he think he is ?  Nobody has the right to explain that articles written about them don't reflect their actual opinion .  Clearly you know what his opinion is , not him. 

But Andy , I do worry about your relationship with young Rowan Dean,  the prancing presenter of polar proliferation who sneers his way through the " Outsiders " weather reports .    You and Dean have always stuck to your opinion that there is no global warming.    For example , you have told fire chiefs they are crazy for believing it ,  activists that they are unscientific loonies ,  Westpac that they are fools for pandering to the global warming nonsense and so on .

Now that you have changed your mind and believe in global warming , does that mean you and Rowan have fallen out ?    You have to be careful there , because Sky News relies heavily on interviewing it's own employees , so losing Rowan would severely limit your options.

Anyway ,  when Ken junior woke up I told  him about your recent 180 degree switcheroo regarding global warming .  And I told him all that stuff you wrote  about changes in the Indian Ocean Dipole being the cause of the drought , not climate change .  But the silly bugger said that the problem is that the dipole was being altered by climate change .   I ask you , where is the logic in that ?   It's like those ridiculous ads on the television that say drink driving  kills .  Drink driving is quite safe ,  crashing into things is what kills  .         

  Like you, I deplore the way logic takes a back seat in most debates  these days.  


        Your comrade ,  Ken .     

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