Saturday, January 4, 2020

Reference :- Andy Bolt , where the bloody hell are ya ?

Reference :-   Sky News anchor Andy Bolt is still away from his desk .  Could it be that after months of telling us that there was nothing cataclysmic happening with the weather , he feels a bit stupid? 

 Come on Andy , don't sulk . So you were wrong , but hey , everybody makes a monumental cock up from time to time . It's only human , and you are not the first person to spend months making ridiculous  unsubstantiated claims while viciously mocking those who know better .  Nobody is saying you were being deliberately dishonest , though some might think it . 

 Like most of your fans I am perfectly willing to accept your misguided ravings as merely a hideous gaff, occasioned by your own profoundly unsound thinking .   Some people are very reluctant to admit their errors , and red faced , will splutter with fury when accused of making fallacious arguments .  But that isn't you , is it Andy ?   You are man enough to just front foot it and say  "   Everything I have said for the past few months has been breathtakingly untrue , and I humbly apologise for my defective reasoning ".

And Andy , don't think anybody got any pleasure out of watching you make a total fool of yourself .  Well,  except maybe for my son Ken junior's mate Gabbo ( the aborigine ) .  He keeps reminding us that his people managed the country for over 60, 000 years , and then a bunch of pig headed white idiots stuffed the place totally in a handful of decades .  

Please  come back  Andy , and face the music like the honorable man we know you are .  Gabbo may laugh  his head off at you initially , but hey , then he will forgive .  He is that kind of guy . 

 Your comrade , Ken 



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