Reference :- The Sky News anchors are thrilled that our government is still on track to achieve the first surplus in 12 years . But the 5 billion dollar question is " Will that help the economy ? " .
Good morning Peta . There were a lot of numbers being thrown about in your interview with finance minister Mr Cormann . And of course , after only 6 years of conservative government , Labor is obviously still the cause of all our fiscal woes . But with all the indicators of economic well being plummeting faster than Icarus in a heatwave , it was a relief to hear an upbeat assessment from Mr Cormann .
Something that never gets mentioned , however , is the fact that net debt has more or less doubled since the LNP strapped themselves into the driver's seat of the economy , all those years ago . I am sure there is a suitable explanation , since as we know , conservative governments invariably boast impressive credentials when it comes to money managing.
It will be great to see the government paying back Labor's debt , following which they can start paying back their own . ( This will also be called " Labor's debt " , naturally . )
Anyway Peta , knowing that the budget is back in surplus , everybody can spend like mad this Christmas , confident that the economic fundamentals are in good hands .
Your comrade , Ken
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