Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Reference :- Angus Taylor managed to drop us from 56th to stone cold motherless last in the climate action rankings .

Reference :-   Australia now sits  last in the climate action rankings . At least we can't get any worse.

Angus , you are a smarter man than me amigo, even after a few sangrias .     I think I now understand your tactic .  By nudging us to the bottom of the list , all we have to do is beat the USA during some future assessment , and the right wing press  can run a headline that reads   " Australia marches ahead in the war against climate change '.   Obviously we both know that the war is actually against climate change alarmists , not climate change per se , which is a myth .   But it's best to pretend , and as always , it's important to use the expression " war against " which is the time honoured way of asserting that somebody is actually doing something constructive .

 About 100,000 people die from the effects of air pollution every year over in the USA , so it shouldn't require too much effort to overtake them in the rankings .

  I guess you are flying home soon .  So much of Spain burned in the fires this year that the aesthetics of the countryside probably aren't worthy of a scenic tour, even if the taxpayer is shelling out for the senoritas .  Try to relax on the flight home , you will need your wits about you when you return to face the treacherous plots that Mr Morrison and his  front bench has been incubating during your absence .

One last thing Angus .  My son Ken junior is a big fan of the Spanish actress Penelope Cruz .  He figures a man of your stature would have met her by now, and that she is probably residing in a suite just up the corridor from yours , if you know what I mean .   If you can score an autograph , Ken junior would be most appreciative .   And if she is willing  to write  "  To Ken junior , thanks for a great time after the Christmas party "   he would be thrilled .   Everybody knows they weren't at a Christmas party together , but it's just a harmless bit of fun .

  It's not as though he is lying to parliament about being friends with Naomi Wolf or something .  

 Your comrade , Ken

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