Friday, December 13, 2019

Reference :- Andy Bolt and Rowan Dean declared Boris Johnson's " Love Actually " advertisement a work of genius .

Reference :-      The outcome of the UK election was perhaps significantly  steered by an advertisement featuring Boris Johnson acting out a scene from the movie " Love Actually " .

Indeed yes , chaps .   What a great advertising ploy .  Rowan , your experience as an advertising executive shone as you explained the importance of this particular piece of clever plagiarism .

  Unfortunately , actor Hugh Grant wasn't very pleased that his movie had been used to market a politician whom he despises . He pointed out that the card which said " and at Christmas you tell the truth "  had been left out of the advertisement .  Obviously it was deliberately left out for copyright reasons, and had nothing to do with Mr Johnson's propensity to perpetrate porkies .

 But the marketing genius of the simple message , the charming Christmas theme , and the portrayal of Boris as a likeable eccentric was impressive .   And it certainly worked .  It appears that most voters were  not interested in hearing detailed policies addressing  complex issues . Who wants the surgeon to describe in detail how they are going to replace their heart valve  ?  Just sign the consent form and leave it up to them, I say .

 Forty years of rampart capitalism and austerity have ruined the lives of ordinary folk  in Old Blighty .  Fortunately , we are told , Brexit is the miracle fix for that disaster .  And a skilled marketer managed to promote that fix with a slogan containing three short  words .   That slogan , " get brexit done "  translates  as   " make our lives better, we can't bear this anymore ,  for God's sake ! ".

   My son Ken junior , is of an age where he is becoming aware of politics .  He keeps asking me why the world is being run by a bunch of pantomime clowns who repeat empty phrases  like  " get brexit done ", or  " make America great again " , or " get the budget back into surplus ".   I tell him people are  so busy trying to pay off debt, and so worried about their jobs , that they don't have time to look carefully at the political landscape , and want simple solutions .  He says , that leaves them vulnerable to the first grifter who comes along with a catchy slogan and a ute load of suitable scapegoats .

  It worries me , Rowan , but Ken junior can be heartless at times , and has concluded that  "If people are too lazy to look past the propaganda in the headlines , and the blatant lies of politicians , they deserve what they get ".     That sounds a bit harsh to me .  No doubt Mr Johnson has all those issues to do with trade , Scotland wanting to leave the UK , and the Irish border , solved in his mind.   Now he can just get on with it , unhindered . 

 He seems like a capable chap.  It was impressive watching him explain his 300 million quid deal to export sheep to China post brexit , should the EU market collapse .   I reckon when the Chinese actually hear about the deal, they will cancel their existing imports of sheep from New  Zealand  .  They are  fed up with being fleeced by Kiwi shepherds , and it usually only takes about five years to sort out the  paperwork for biosecurity , import licenses, and supply chains .  

Your comrade , Ken.


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