Friday, November 22, 2019

Reference:- Peta Credlin and Andy Bolt take advantage of a moiety of our right to free speech , while it lasts.

Reference :-  Many times , Sky News has vilified environmental activists who encourage boycotts of companies they consider irresponsible .   But now , both Peta Credlin and Andy Bolt have promoted their own boycotts . 

 Hello there Andy and Peta .   I guess you are promoting boycotts just to see what it feels like before Mr Morrison brings in more laws to make them illegal . How does it feel ?  It might be like climbing Uluru before that was banned .  You might have never done it at all , but for the realisation that this could  be the last chance .  

Anyway , as a fellow boycotter , let me congratulate you .  Peta , I quite like your suggested boycotting of Westpac . What a pack of creeps . They deserve no better .  Can you see now the value of having such freedoms ?   Freedoms you would deny others , whose opinions differ from yours .  And Andy , did you enjoy damaging the business of Qantas  ( read the comments from your cult of followers ) , as punishment for revealing  they believe in climate change ?  It feels good doesn't it ?    Be aware , however , that your right to do that is on Mr Morrison's chopping block , a fact that has even caused a stir  among journalists in other countries  .  Mr Morrison appears to know as much about the law as your typical orpington , so it may not happen .  But stay alert . You wouldn't want to be dragged away by the federal police right in the middle of one of your episodes of " opinion you can trust ".   I have reproduced below a famous quote , from German Pastor Martin Niemoller , to illustrate my point .   The good Pastor , though not a Hillsong clapper , felt guilty after the second world war for not speaking out as Hitler rose to power . 

                        First they came for the Communists
                        And I did not speak out
                        Because i was not a Communist

                       Then they came for the Socialists
                       And I did not speak out
                       Because I am not a Socialist

                       Then they came for the trade unionists
                       And I did not speak out
                       Because I am not a trade unionist

                       Then they came for the Jews
                       And I did not speak out
                       Because I am not a Jew .

                      Then they came for me
                      And there was no one left
                      To speak out for me .

  My son , Ken junior , reckons you may as well just go boycott crazy while you can . If you are short of things you want to boycott , he has quiet a few suggestions.  For starters he reckons the telephone companies are ripping us off and deserve a thorough boycotting .   He says , imagine the impact on their bottom line if everybody decided to stop using their phones for a day every week ?
 Also , do you think you could run a boycott of craft beers ?   Ken junior reckons they all taste like carbonated aftershave and a schooner costs as much  as a six pack of the drinkable stuff .   There are limitless options .   Feel free to be in contact  .  Happy boycotting .

Your comrade , Ken


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