Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reference :- Paul Murray felt entitled to publically humiliate actress Emma Watson.

Reference :-   Paul Murray laughed at actress Emma Watson for describing herself as " self partnered ".  She is, she says , quite happy with her own company , but feels the description  " single " is coupled to the assumption that one is looking for a partner , which she is not .

A jolly good morn to you Paul.   Your pointless and cruel abuse of Emma Watson was an amusing way to start the day .  You have to laugh , don't you ?  The quality of Sky News is always improving , and refreshingly light hearted .    My son , Ken junior is " self partnered " himself . The lad has hormones oozing from every pore , but hasn't yet figured out his true gender identity . He tells me there are , at last count , 31 genders in New York.    A man of mature years (and  also self partnered ), like myself , finds this a tad confusing , but I guess that is progress .  Did you see on the news that the french have found a slime mould with over 700 genders ?    It's millions of years old , so it's had more time to evolve all those genders , and it's French , of course , so what would you expect ?  We certainly have a way to go to catch up with that ancient critter , if we last that long .
 Anyway , Paul,  Ken junior didn't much like your segment today  . When you suggested that Emma was crazy ,  so who would want to go out with her anyway , he actually laughed at you and blurted
out "  And who would go out with that fat belligerent toolhead  ? "   Well , you know what teenagers can be  like .
 Anyway , it looks like you have lost a viewer there , but that's life , you can't please everybody .
 Just to cheer you up , congratulations for that candid  interview with our Prime Minister  . It was a close call , but you didn't fall asleep , and I am sure you revealed some interesting insights , it's just a shame they all must have ended up on the cutting room floor .  

  Your comrade, Ken

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