Reference :- Anybody suggesting that climate change may be a contributing factor in the current bushfire disaster faces being slammed for political gamesmanship . But Barnaby Joyce played a hard shot and went straight into a pocket off the 8 ball when he speculated that two bushfire victims probably voted green .
Well done Barnaby , you goose ! I see you have racked up the balls again , and accused the media of " wanton misrepresentation ". And furthermore , you have since pointed out that green supporters in fire prone areas " do agree there should be more burn reduction , fuel reduction " . That would seem to totally contradict your initial stance . It is all very confusing .
It might clear things up a tad to look at what the green's bushfire policy actually says . They list 45 measures in their bushfire policy , and one of these is properly resourced planned burning regimes . Properly resourced means adequately funded . The LNP recently cut 35 million of funding from NSW fire services , despite repeated warnings about the huge bushfire risks. I guess that gave Mr Morrison a little contribution to his " my precious " , the 7 billion dollar budget surplus . But I wonder how many billions the damages bill for the bushfires will come to ? I am no fire fighter , but I hear tell that it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve fuel reduction with controlled burns because the changing climate is closing the windows of opportunity that allow such burns to be conducted safely . More funding for equipment and trained personnel would help open more windows.
Also Barnaby , since the Greens are not in government , what could they be doing to thwart the LNP's bushfire policies ? You need a better scapegoat than that. Immigrants are often useful in that regard . Maybe the LNP could accuse immigrants of starting all the fires . My son Ken junior , reckons he saw somebody wearing a turban walking down the road past our farm the other day . I am pretty sure it was just the neighbour , Trevor , with a towel around his head to shield him from the smoke . But we can all speculate , can't we ?
Your comrade , Ken
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