Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Reference :- Andy ( I am not a racist ) Bolt felt entitled to pillory Aboriginal author , Mr Bruce Pascoe for his book Dark Emu .

Reference :-    Andy Bolt delved deep into author,  Mr Bruce Pascoe's , genealogy and discovered  no evidence of his Aboriginality .  Excited by this finding , he then dissected  Mr Pascoe's book " Dark Emu " and found it full of favorable descriptions of Aboriginal history  .

 Ah well , Andy , we all like to view the history of our own mob through rose coloured glasses.  You could say the same of the British Empire , and any culture you care to name .  I just can't fathom your purpose  here .    We destroyed Aboriginal society centuries ago , so do you need to keep rubbing it in ?  

  Andy , I reckon we all practice some kind of amateur psychology ,  including psychologists .   So what do you think of this ?    Perhaps it makes you feel less guilty about cruelly destroying something if you subsequently convince yourself it was worthless in the first place ? 

 That would be a useful self deception . It would assuage guilt .   Self deception can be very useful in other ways .  For example , a chap might develop, or even feign , an interest in sophisticated pursuits in order to mask a sense of inferiority . A chap of humble immigrant descent with little formal education might loudly display an interest in opera and fine liquor , for example .    He is only kidding himself of course, but is there any harm in that ? 

But Andy , what I can't understand is why Mr Pascoe would pretend to be an Aborigine ?    You don't see many first nation folk sipping fine whiskey in the halls of power , do you ?     He is white enough to embellish his credentials as he pleases , so it beats me .  Perhaps he is just one of those chaps who deep down actually likes himself ? 

Anyway ,  one of the young lads at  The Sky Reply , Gabbo ,  is quite a talented musician .   In fact he is just talented generally .   His band is playing in Kooralya on the weekend , and you should hear his fusion of didgeridoo and electric guitar , it is amazing .   I know you prefer Wagner , but  Gabbo  might broaden your  musical horizons .  My son , Ken junior , will be on drums .  He wasn't very good at first , but Gabbo showed him some techniques and he has greatly improved . 

 Gabbo's band is raising money for the firefighters , so if you buy a ticket you will be supporting a good cause .    Think about it Andy, and let us know . 

Your comrade , Ken 

P.S.    We will be serving beer , but you will have to bring your own whiskey .



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