Friday, November 29, 2019

Reference :- Andy ( I am not a hatemonger ) Bolt interviewed himself ..again .

Reference:-       Andy Bolt ran another segment in which he talked about himself a lot , and showed us clips from one of his previous presentations .  We were rather disappointed , but he must still be whipping up his big one about how " the destroy australia party " defeated the union bashing bill .

Andy , the crew here at The Sky Reply broke open the popcorn last night , hoping to watch as you terrified the nation with a story about how unionism was destroying democracy and the future of our children . But not yet, hey ?   I can see how , with union bashing  hammer in hand , you are searching for a way to turn climate change into a nail before running the story .   I have faith in you Andy , you will figure something out .   And don't delay , we don't want the popcorn to go stale .

Anyway , I will take this opportunity to offer some feedback from your fans here at The Sky Reply .
Young Monte is not a deep thinker .  All he talks about these days is wheelies , carburettors , and his latest Evel Knievel poster  . But he did say "  Do you reckon Andy could go more than two sentences without calling somebody a hypocrite ".   I told Monte it is probably because there are so many hypocrites around these days . Maybe give it a go anyway Andy , just to please the lad . (Plus we have a little bet going on that one ).    Gabbo ( the aborigine ) is not disposed to hatred , but is sorry for you, since he feels that you are so disposed.  He says your rants about multiculturalism and aboriginal culture conceal your underlying hatred like a band-aid would conceal a terminal case of smallpox. 

 The thing about aborigines , as you know from your numerous court appearances , is that they are inclined to readily forgive when an apology is made .  Gabbo is endowed with a similar sangfroid , and is not a vindictive type .   This is what he says  " I don't think Andy is such a bad old fart  .  I reckon he will probably repent one day soon when he is trembling on his death bed riddled with painful spite fuelled metastases  from his cancer of the everything . "  I guess Gabbo might not attend your  funeral , Andy . 

    As for my son , Ken junior , he made the mistake of reading the comments by your cohort of followers on You Tube . He found them so illiterate , misinformed and vile that he bolted from the breakfast table and did a technicolor yawn all over my prize winning geraniums .    I hope they survive Andy , otherwise Sky News will be getting a letter of demand from my lawyers .  Nothing personal you understand ,  your insurance ought to cover it .   

 Your comrade , Ken    

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