Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Reference :- Andy Bolt and Rowan Dean are annoyed that the current Westpac bank scandal has become a smokescreen for their worst crimes .

Reference :-  Andy Bolt , extremely slurred of speech again , for some reason , teamed with boy wonder  Rowan Dean to tell us the real reason we should despise Westpac .

Andy my friend .    I see you  were kind enough to tell us which pronouns you prefer , which is a good idea because you wouldn't believe the one my son , Ken  junior , uses for both you and Rowan . His is a silly pronoun in any case , since I don't believe such an activity is physically possible , though these days nothing shocks me . 

What is it you are fond of saying ?   " To a man with a hammer , everything looks like a nail ".   You were sounding a bit hammered yourself in this presentation , but let's put that behind us.   So Andy  , you use that expression regularly to knock those who see climate change as the cause of our every woe .   But you must be careful to not be similarly obtuse.   On this occasion you actually said that  Westpac's belief in climate change is partly to blame for ruining the company .  That's a bit of a stretch isn't it ?  

 Westpac stands accused of 23 million breaches of the law, allowing free rein for terrorists and child rapists to do business .  It faces fines that could amount to 1 trillion dollars .
You chaps , however, believe that taking the time to print a small booklet describing how their business model is adapting to climate change is more deserving of scrutiny .  Gentlemen , it's not a good look for you. It gives the impression you have no objection to anybody kiddy fiddling while Rome burns .

Anyway  , Ken junior is sticking with his preferred "pronoun " for describing you chaps , though he has ratcheted it up a few notches . 

 Your comrade ,  Ken 

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