Reference :- Andy pointed out , that if so called " scientists " don't offer a platform to the climate change denialists , they are not being scientific , since a scientific consensus should always be reached after considering all the evidence . Andy is quite an expert regarding the manipulation of evidence . He can pluck it like cherries from a tree , or stare at a pile of rocks where once a glacier flowed and loudly declare " you say that glaciers are melting , but where is your evidence ? "
Andy . We both champion freedom of speech , so if people want to stand on a soapbox to inform us of the coming ice age , good luck to them . However , there is a problem with giving all and sundry a voice at a scientific convention . Allow me to illustrate by example . If a group of engineers is meeting to discuss the construction of a new orbiting space station , should they give equal time at the lectern to the flat earthers ? If a group of neuroanatomists is meeting to discuss ways to gain surgical access to a meningioma , should they give equal time to a spiritualist who believes the brain has no function , and our minds reside in another dimension outside space and time ?
Well, I am sure you can work out the answer to that , Andy .
Its not exactly rocket science or brain surgery is it?
Since we have a certain unique comradeship , I feel it isn't too presumptuous of me to ask for a bit of help with my son , Ken junior . The lad , sullen though he is , does have quite a gift for mathematics , and he has been ranting lately about what he calls Sky News' " pathetic hypocrisy . "
Strong words indeed , Andy . Please remember they aren't mine . His observation is this .
With the brexit vote , give or take a poofteenth either way , which fluctuates , its about fifty -fifty
leave or stay . Sky News sees this poofteenth of a percentage as clear indication of a consensus .
" The people have decided " And that is that . No more debate is necessary , and certainly no platform for those remoaners . Now here is Ken junior's annoying question . If a wavering 52% is a clear consensus , why is a growing 97 % of scientists not a consensus ? The little bugger has me stumped there , so I need you to clear the matter . You are a busy man , so just a short email with what will doubtless be the obvious answer , is all I need . And please don't let me down Andy .
Ken junior can be difficult to live with at times , and if an answer isn't shortly forthcoming there will be hell to pay .
Your comrade , Ken .
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