Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reference : Andy " batman " Bolt and his sidekick and boy wonder , Craig Kelly , don their capes and masks again to save the world .

Reference :-    The dynamic duo is back again , to save  us from the Joker  , Greta Thunberg ,
and the climate alarmists who are destroying the planet .   Fortune has smiled upon them since the evil Greta is stranded at the wrong side of the planet , with no way to travel to a major climate convention which has moved , at the last minute , from Santiago to Madrid .

 Andy , you need to start interviewing people who can replace Craig Kelly as your boy wonder .  Let's face it , the chap seamlessly combines the sparkling repartee of Peta Credlin with the scientific
acumen of a sea cucumber .   For God's sake , look at the views you get with the man !  Bugger all ,Andy , bugger all .   Most people would rather sign up for a full season rerun of " The Phillis Diller Show " .  

How is it that a man of your  experience is interviewing the likes of Craig, yet again ,  and that  annoyingly shrill actress , the unforgettable what's her name ?  Yet , Paul Murray gets to interview the  right honorable Prime Minister himself  ?   I mean , obviously none of them have a clue about the science of climate change , but that's not the point  .  I imagine you must have been fuming watching Paul interview the Prime minister .  Mr Morrison almost had to fake a loud cough to wake Paul up at one stage.

.  What a waste of an interview that you could have done so much with , given the opportunity  .   But don't despair quite yet Andy , and stay away from the bottle .  Anyway , about  this stranded Greta business  . It will be tricky for her to swiftly reach Madrid without blowing soot into the firmament . My son Ken junior , the demon chess player , if you recall,   says that sometimes in order to advance your strategy , you need to sacrifice a piece .  ( Usually it's one of my pieces the little sneak sacrifices , not one of his . )    I am not personally a member of the  international "Jetset " , but Ken junior also tells me you can offset the carbon from your flight in these enlightened times .  So he figures Greta just flies, and pays to offset the carbon . It's not even hugely expensive , and she could offer to pay the offset for all the other passengers too , perhaps , as another publicity stunt .   The first publicity stunt sure caused a stir .   I guess that is the fundamental purpose of publicity stunts though, isn't it ?    

  Your comrade , Ken

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