Reference :- Perhaps these idealistic recruits should check the Australian Criminal Code before jaunting off to Israel to serve in the IDF .
Dear Idealistic Young Recruits of Australia ,
Good on you , I say , for supporting the " Rules Based International Order " of which we are all so proud . Doubtless you are heading off to the Cradle of Civilisation , there in the Levant , eager to fight for justice , freedom , and human dignity . But one must always be fully aware of what one is becoming a party to , lest one be unprepared for blowback in the future .
For old codgers like me , the future is a short prospect , but you young ones have decades of life ahead . You might plan to one day settle in the leafy burbs of Oz , with a comely spouse, a good job , and perhaps raise a couple of offspring . This is certainly the place to embark upon such an enterprise , what with the absence of bombing , shooting , starvation and forced displacement . Furthermore we have excellent hospitals where the amputation of children's limbs sans anesthesia or antibiotics is almost unheard of these days .
The opportunities on offer for you here in Oz are priceless , and one should not place them in peril without a full understanding of the risks.
Boring though it may be , we have a legal thingy here called :-
" The Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 " .
Section 119.4 states that travel to a foreign country ( I think Israel counts as a foreign country ) for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities is a criminal offense punishable by life imprisonment . That sure would muck up any plans you may have for your return to Oz .
Furthermore , Section 119.7 states that recruiting somebody to serve in any capacity in the armed force of another country is also a criminal act punishable by life imprisonment .
The fact that both the Prime Minister of Israel , Mr Netanyahu , and his former head of the military , Mr Gallant , have been indicted for war crimes is further cause for concern . It hardly helps one's cries of innocence if the people one has been enthusiastically helping turn out to be appalling war criminals .
Now , don't panic . There are sensible ways to minimize the risk of throwing your life away . And I don't mean by having your legs blown off fighting those human animals called Hamas . I refer to the likelihood that you will be arrested , perhaps in twenty years ( you know , like a Nazi in Argentina ) , brought to trial , and locked away for good .
Ken junior is more your age , so I have asked him to provide some advice , since you will relate to him more readily . He has offered tips , based on what he has seen thus far , and here they are .
1. Don't talk anybody else into joining you , lest you breach Section 119.7 of the criminal code .
2. If you can't resist dressing up in the underwear of murdered Palestinian women , don't take videos .
3. If you must play with the toys of murdered children or ride their trikes , don't take videos .
4. If you torture doctors and smash life saving hospital equipment , don't take videos .
5. If you blow up Universities , don't take videos .
6. If you dress Israeli children as Palestinians and smear them with fake blood for a joke, don't take videos .
7. If you shoot and kill surrendering Israeli hostages , don't take videos .
8. If you run a sniping competition to see who can shoot the most unarmed Palestinians in one day don't say that children should count for more points because they make smaller targets. And don't take videos .
9. If you crack jokes saying that it doesn't matter about destroying Palestinian schools because all the children are dead , don't take videos .
10. If you rape Palestinian prisoners in the Sde Teiman detention camp in the Negev Desert , perforating their bowels in the process , don't take videos .
Those are Ken junior's ten best tips .
I would add , if you don't want to spend the rest of your life worrying that the long arm of the law could drag you to prison at any moment , then don't go !
There are endless ways to support genocide without risking death or jail . Why not do some fundraising ? At a local gun club perhaps ?
Or maybe start a blog . You would be amazed by how many people read them .
Your comrade , Ken .
PS . Our local defense forces are suffering from a shortage of recruits . That might make our socialist government more inclined to press charges against those with questionable loyalty . So perhaps a career in the military here might be a better option . Surely one day they will let you shoot somebody .
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