Sunday, February 11, 2024

Reference :- The IDF is having trouble finding and destroying Hamas.

Reference :-   After 127 days of fighting , the IDF has not yet destroyed Hamas . 

Dear Mr Netanyahu , 

                                     There is no doubt that you have made some progress towards " total victory "  in Gaza , but thus far you have not come close to your goal of completely destroying Hamas .  Could it be that every time you kill one Hamas terrorist another steps up to take his place ?    I say " his " without knowing whether Hamas has  female fighters like the Israeli Defense Force . (That's one thing you have to say about the IDF , they run a progressive policy of gender equality and are quite good at training women to be hardened killers . ) 

Anyway Mr Netanyahu , do you think it could be that every time a Hamas fighter is killed , another takes his place ?   Ken junior reckons that perhaps another two might even take his place .  One pictures the scene in Walt Disney's " The Sorcerer's Apprentice " where Mickey Mouse keeps chopping up enchanted brooms only to create more enchanted brooms with every swing of his axe .   Gosh .... perhaps history will label the current "cleansing " ( your word ) of Gaza as " Operation Sorcerer's Apprentice  " ? 

Ken junior also opined that for every woman and child slaughtered in Gaza , or horrendously maimed , one ... or 10... traumatised family members might consider signing  up with Hamas .  Both Israeli and foreign journalists ( all the foreign ones have not been taken out by snipers as yet )  report that support for Hamas has close to doubled , or even tripled since October 7. 

Some lateral thinking is sorely needed.  Other options should be put on the table . Have you thought of this ?  

  Why not distribute fliers in Rafah saying that Hamas is holding a sausage sizzle and sign up day at a location  within comfortable range of those devastating 2000 pound "Spice " bombs you have been cobbling together  . Thousands will arrive keen to sign up , and since everybody in Gaza is facing starvation , quite a few folk might come just for the sausage .   You already have the bombs , despite cries of " war crime" by the United Nations ... yes, those antisemites  .  All you need is the sausages . I would advise ordering in 1.5 million of them .   Everyone might not turn up , but you never know , and sausages are cheap . 

Hope this is helpful. 

Your comrade , Ken . 

PS . Be sure to order beef , not pork .


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