Reference :- Isis fighters are returning to the country , we are told .
This is most alarming . Already 4 women and 13 children have arrived on our shores . It is said that security agencies are keeping a close eye on them , but can we trust them to do their job ?
Personally , I think that we must take individual responsibility when facing a threat of such magnitude . And nobody should be fooled by the fact that some of the children are very young . As a parent myself , I know what young children are capable of . Besides , young children grow up . Far better that they stay overseas in a squalid refugee camp where they are unlikely to be radicalized . I can hardly imagine the extremist views that they would develop if they grew up here in Australia .
There is no time to waste , and the lads and I are preparing for the likelihood of future terrorist attacks . Car bombings feature regularly on the tele , and we think that armor plating the ute is a priority . Ken junior is pretty good with a welder , and since the railway closed there are plenty of abandoned tracks we can put to use . Monte reckons the extra weight will slow the old ute down , but those Holden motors from the sixties can pull anything if you don't mind using a bit more petrol . I reckon a few extra gallons of a petrol is a small price to pay for piece of mind .
Your comrade , Ken
P.S. If any of our regular readers can tell us how to make unobtrusive body armor out of corrugated iron we would be most grateful . We are keen to protect ourselves without looking too much like Ned Kelly .
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