Reference :- Even Sky News has withdrawn support for the former PM .
Dear Mr Morrison , sir ,
Let's face it , unfair though it may be , your political career is over for now . A man of your standing should not be expected to remain on the back bench merely to serve the folk who elected him . It is time for a change of career . And what with all the controversy and the lingering stench of corruption and all , you may have to accept a low profile job for the time being .
Here at Kooralya the local massage parlor has a receptionist position vacant . This might be just what you need right now . Your talent for making appointments , and keeping them confidential , should see you at the top of any shortlist of applicants .
If you like , we can put in a good word for you , and you are welcome to stay with us in the spare room until you find your own digs . A man of your means will probably prefer a dwelling with an air conditioner and an indoor toilet . Fortunately upmarket properties like that do crop up in Kooralya from time to time , and there would be no need to rush .
Let us know if you are interested .
Your comrade , Ken
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