Sunday, June 5, 2022

Reference:- The Sky Reply has a job vacancy .

 Reference:-   Ken junior has decided to take long service leave from The Sky Reply . 


What with the cold weather , and the endless floods and all , Ken junior has been very downcast and short fused of late . 

He has decided to take some time off  , much to our relief .  

We were having breakfast when Ken junior spoke. 

" For the love of God , turn the heater on ,  I am freezing my plums off here !   " , Ken junior said . 

"  We can't afford the gas . " , I said . 

"  Australia is the largest gas exporter in the world . They can buy our gas cheaper in Katmandu than we can here . " , Ken junior said . 

"  Why do you always blame the Nepalese for everything ? " , I said . 

Anyway , to cut a long story short , Ken junior is off on holidays . He is taking the ute and heading bush with Dog and a month's worth of supplies .  

" At least I can sit by a warm campfire . " , Ken junior said  

Meanwhile , we have a vacancy at The Sky Reply . Applicants will be required to watch the Sky News anchors every night , and analyse their opinions . 

The pay rate we are offering is par with the award , but as an incentive it also includes weekly counseling with an anger management psychologist , free prescriptions for Zoloft , and unlimited access to our moonshine rum still on weekends .   Accommodation is provided in Ken junior's verandah sleepout  . For those who don't share Ken junior's political ideology we can place a wall hanging over the portrait of Karl Marx painted on his wall .     ( For this purpose  I am prepared to loan my treasured hemp macrame wall hanging of Che Guevara , which I bought during the first " Earth Day " rally back in 1970 . )

Applications , including a stamped return address envelope,  can be mailed to PO Box 13  Kooralya  . 

Your comrade , Ken 

PS   Ownership of one of those sub-zero sleeping bags would be an advantage.




1 comment:

  1. Kooralya must be as cold as Melbourne.
