Reference:- Do the media regularly forget to fact check their stories ?
It looked like being a pleasant morning out here in Kooralya . The grass is green , the air crisp , and the kookaburras were having a good old laugh in the gum trees while the tea brewed in the pot .
But then we flicked on the tele, and of all the ghastly sights , there was billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Browder being interviewed . Within the first ten seconds he had already told a lie , which was that his business associate , Sergei Magnitsky (deceased ) had been a lawyer . For over a decade now Bill Browder has been claiming that Sergei had been his lawyer , when in fact he had been an accountant who specialized in tax .... err..... lets call it " minimization " .
" I can't stand all these unchallenged lies . Morrison has already exhausted me . " , I said .
Fortunately the lads remained calm and Gabbo came to the rescue with an interesting mendacity based conundrum for me to contemplate , as a distraction . It goes like this .
Imagine you are at a fork in the road , and you don't know which direction to take in order to reach your destination . Also imagine that there are two people willing to give directions at the divide in the road , but you have been warned that one person always tells the truth , and the other person always tells lies . Unfortunately you don't know which person is the liar . You may ask one person a single "yes or no " question , and from their answer you must determine the correct path .
What question do you ask ? ( HINT :- Asking them if they have ever told a lie in public office won't help . )
I don't imagine it will take long to deduce the answer , which will be revealed in the next post . I promise .
Your comrade , Ken
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