Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Reference :- What has become of Rowan Dean's Ice Age Watch ?

 Reference :-  Just when we need it most , Rowan Dean's Ice Age Watch has taken a sabbatical . 

Dear Rowan , 

                          Obviously a hard working weather boy needs a break from time to time , especially now the festive season is upon us .  Out here in Kooralya we don't experience the throngs of joyful Christmas shoppers spreading goodwill through every carpark and mall , like you do in the big smoke .  And worse still , we also don't enjoy the comfort of air conditioning . The only place in Kooralya  with air conditioning used to be the local pub , but we don't even have that these days .   The rooftop evaporative unit above the bar started to develop an unsavory odor , so the publican shut it down before we all came down with legionnaires disease .  The savings on his electricity bill have discouraged him from installing another unit . 

Anyway Rowan , I am writing to request that you run another Ice Age Watch segment .   We are experiencing ( like most of the country ) another of those" once in a hundred years " heat waves .  That's the fifth one we have faced since pussy was a kitten , and we find the sight of you shivering and rubbing your hands together in front of a video of a snowfield does take our minds off our predicament .    There must be some latitude experiencing a cold snap right now , so please tell us all about it . And with plenty of pictures . 

All we get on the tele lately is more grim news about heatwaves and maps of Australia painted bright red . For the love of God , who needs that when the sweat is rolling down their cheeks ? 

 I would offer to ask our cousin Boris in Russia to forward you some polaroids of Siberia  to use , but sadly we haven't heard from him since his house fell over . I think it was because a structurally vital layer of permafrost melted under his stumps .  

Please help us out .  I sure wish this Ice Age you keep telling us about would hurry up . 

Your comrade , Ken .

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