Reference :- Once again Andy Bolt is attacking teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg .
Look Andy , we all know that you are no longer capable of convincingly ridiculing actual grown ups , whiskey will do that to a chap . But don't resort to attacking teenage girls for heaven's sake . Have you seen the weather reports from the northern hemisphere ? Record temperatures , heatwave deaths , fires , people sheltering in " cooling rooms ". Like you , I am no expert , but to me that does look like the climate is changing .
Of course your weather boy at Sky News , Rowan Dean , doesn't report these events , lest he look like a total nincompoop . Likewise Chris Kenny has remained silent . The weather is now so hot in northern climes that resorting to their usual " don't listen to the alarmists , it's been hot before " rhetoric would be laughable .
Ken junior suggested that they might like to quote a reference he has from one of Shakespeare's letters , in which the famous bard mentions a day so warm that he broke into a sweat while walking to his local inn. Though it was kind of Ken junior to offer , I think that particular strategy has had it's day .
Young Greta has a huge following worldwide , and you only belittle yourself by attacking her . The best you can do is ignore her , especially since her communication skills are clearly superior to yours .
Rowan Dean and the others at Sky News have backed away from Greta in defeat. But at least they have saved a skerrick of what little dignity they ever laid claim to . Take my advice Andy, and back away with them , before it's too late.
Your comrade , Ken
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