Reference :- Although Andy Bolt now believes the planet is warming , he has reminded us that there is no cause for alarm .
Indeed Andy , the evidence for global warming is now so overwhelming that one would lose all credibility by denying it is happening . Naturally your sidekick , young Rowan Dean , will continue to tell us an ice age is upon us . But he has no credibility to lose in the first instance . His segments are seen as black comedy , not news . And rather poor black comedy at that , suffused with schadenfreude as it is .
Anyway , thank heavens you served some good news with the bad , and reminded us that we are rich enough to buy ourselves the technology that will allow us to enjoy comfortable lives while the planet becomes daily less habitable .
Mind you , out here at Kooralya nobody except the publican can even afford an air conditioner . And Ken junior tells me that there are about 700 million folk globally living in extreme poverty . Ken junior reckons these folk probably can't afford a decent feed , let alone an air conditioned flat somewhere in a gated community protected by a private militia .
It is all very well for Ken junior to worry about those who live in abject poverty , but I told him we can't save everybody , and we have a duty to look after ourselves . And to be honest , sad though it is , what can 700 million desperate and impoverished folk do that might disadvantage the likes of us , who have worked hard for what we have ?
Thanks for being so upbeat .
Your comrade, Ken .
PS If you get a chance , maybe you can persuade young Rowan Dean to change tack with his ice age obsession . Trying to keep that rubbish going is stressing the poor fellow to the point where he is becoming inarticulate . Perhaps he might enjoy doing a weekly Astrology segment instead ? It would give him an opportunity to research some actual facts for a change .
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