Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Reference :- Now that Sky weather boy Rowan Dean is back , we get to hear what his preferred experts say about the climate .

 Reference :-   Rowan Dean always finds the most interesting climate  experts . Although he speaks their names and qualifications so quickly it is hard to hear what he said . Fortunately Sky Reply contributor , Gabbo , has excellent hearing . 

It's nice to see you poncing about in front of your favored pictures of snow and incomprehensible graphs again Rowan . Although the insulting names you give climate scientists are starting to sound sadly lame .  ( If you like , we can whip up a few more for you , to freshen your show .    You can only say " moron " so many times without looking  bitter and twisted . Why not run with " dingbat " for awhile ?  It has a witty vibe , which might soften the appearance of your furrowed brow . )

Anyway Rowan , Gabbo has taken to the net , or interweb , as I believe it is called, and uncovered the details that you didn't have time to reveal in your last gripping broadcast . 

When you muttered " IPA  " I thought you must have been referring to that international panel on climate change . But Gabbo tells me the "IPA" is actually a ( very ) right wing think tank here in Australia . Mostly the IPA  relies on millions of quid in donations from mining magnate Gina Rinehart , although ExxonMobil , Caltex , Shell , Esso and British American Tobacco also dig deeply into their pockets for donations .   These donations ensure that the IPA  is not beholding to any vested interests when they make policy decisions .

That Dr Jennifer Marohasy you fleetingly mentioned is quite a mover and shaker at the IPA . Of course she has no qualifications in climate science , which obviously allows her to keep an open mind on the topic .   And she sensibly consults the other person you briefly named , Dr Walter Starck  .

Dr Starck is an interesting chap .  He hasn't had an article published in a peer reviewed journal for over thirty years , since he has been kept busy with a variety of pursuits .   Gabbo was fascinated to uncover Dr Starck's interest in " crop circles " .  We had some of those here near Kooralya  a few years ago .  They were discovered on the Johnson's wheat farm .    Old Clem Johnson reckoned they were made by aliens from another galaxy , but it turned out Monte had made them with his Yamaha trail bike , as a joke . 

The cops were pretty good about it . They gave Monte a stern warning and he hasn't made a crop circle  since . Although old Clem reckons they weren't all Monte's crop circles ,  and the aliens will come back if he ever manages to grow another wheat crop ... what with the drought and all .  

Do you think Dr Starck might be willing to look at our photos of the Kooralya crop circles Rowan ?  He should be able to tell if any of them are kosher . 

As with climate science , it's always worth consulting an expert .

Your comrade , Ken

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