Friday, May 28, 2021

Reference :- The undisputed matron of Sky News , Peta Credlin , interviewed fellow Sky reporter Rowan Dean ...again . Ho hum .

Reference :-   A gaunt and tired looking Rowan Dean bravely continued the fight for our future . But not the future of our children . 

I am right with you there Rowan .   You said it is outrageous to expect the environment minister to include the well being of future generations in the remit of their office .  Well put , I say . How would anybody be able to do their job properly if they had to worry about people who hadn't even been born yet ?

 Although my son Ken junior , the selfish little bugger , finds that attitude deplorable . 

" Any hominid species that hopes to survive for more than a blink of geological time must ensure that it's progeny can thrive . "     ,  Ken junior said .  

 " Are you trying to get me to raise your weekly allowance ? "  ,  I said .  

As you well know Rowan , everything always revolves around the mighty dollar . 

Anyway , to thank you for your insight , I thought I would help you with a bit of research . You said that no  scientific authority has claimed that climate change ( also known as  "the woke leftist global warming conspiracy " in non scientific circles )  has been accelerated  by human activity . 

You obviously forgot to look up the NASA website , where they not only believe in anthropogenic global warming , but also list 18 respected scientific authorities in the USA alone that have arrived at the same conclusion . 

 Of course one can't  rely on NASA as a scientific authority .  What have they ever done that shows any scientific expertise ?

 Your comrade , Ken .




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