Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Reference :- Rio Tinto just destroyed a 46,000 year old aboriginal site .

Reference :-    It seems the lads at Rio Tinto were not breaking the law when they destroyed one of the oldest known sites of human habitation  in the world .  We obviously have some very crappy laws.

Well, as you might imagine , out contributing editor here at The Sky Reply , Gabbo ( the aborigine )
had a lot to say about a significant part of his ( and all humanity's ) heritage being blown to kingdom come merely to add a few pennies to some dividend cheques .   He wants to know why we shriek with horror when the Taliban blow up a monument in the Levant that harks back a trifling couple of millennia , and then obliterate a site in our own country  twenty times older without a second thought.

It has been hard to console him.  The best I could do was explain that in our culture we don't cling to useless vestiges of the past that can't turn a respectable profit , and we can't understand his grief .     He replied by asking us how we would feel if somebody dynamited the Sydney Harbour Bridge .    Now there is a very interesting question . I guess it depends on the market reaction .

Monte ( the motorcyclist ) reckons that it would depend on why it was razed .  If it was blown to smithereens by a terrorist intent on obliterating our way of life , we would be outraged .  On the other hand , if we needed to trash it to access a plentiful deposit of rare earths to make i-pads  , that would be different . Some people may object , but economic pragmatism would prevail .  Seats to view the explosion would be sold . And little Harbour Bridge souvenirs would fill the shops .   Everybody would be a winner . 

Monte's view seems a bit radical to me , but Ken junior did make an interesting point .   He reminded us that back in the seventies , developers wanted to make few quid by bulldozing the Sydney Rocks and knocking up some concrete and aluminium buildings showcasing designs that , by comparison , made the Bauhaus style of architecture look richly ornate.   Were it not for the  tremendous efforts of Jack Mundy , then leader of the NSW Builders Labourers Federation , the Sydney Rocks would now look like  KGB headquarters in Vladivostok .

Anyway , explaining that capitalists are quite happy to annihilate their own heritage , as well as anybody else's , if there is a quid to be had , didn't seem to console Gabbo at all.

And it didn't console the rest of either .    Maybe we will lighten up if a whiskey soaked  Andy Bolt laughs about it on Sky News , and calls the ancient site a worthless pile of rocks .  Worthless except for about 80 bucks worth of iron ore , that is .  

  Your comrade , Ken

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