Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Reference:- An invitation is extended to Andy Bolt .

Reference:-    Since he believes the lockdown to slow the spread of the coronavirus has been overdone , we thought we might encourage Andy Bolt to protest .

 Good morn to you Andy .   We know you are more of a mouthpiece than a practical sleeves rolled up participator , but perhaps you might consider protesting about this unnecessary lockdown .
 They are doing that in the USA , armed to the teeth with various lethal firearms , and Mr Trump's approval.   Why not stage a similar protest here ?

 A respected public figure like yourself would catch the attention of the media if you visited us here in Kooralya and deliberately flaunted the laws .   We figure a party , with no social distancing , and all the guests drinking moonshine rum from the same jug  .  Or , if you are currently off the grog ( and it's about time ) we could all eat off each others spoons or something .  Our mate Luigi does a brilliant minestrone , and is just back from a cruise to Italy where he further honed his culinary expertise.  He is eager for an opportunity to showcase his new recipes .

But make it snappy if you can , he is a bit sniffly at the moment and is such a hyperchondriac he may end up cancelling .

 Please feel free to bring any of your mates at Sky News along as well. The more the merrier .

 There is no need to bring any camera equipment .The Sky Reply team has all we need , and we have set up a spot on a nearby hilltop so we can film the festivities with a telephoto lens .

 Come on Andy . Show everybody how stupid they are .   

  Your comrade , Ken



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