Friday, January 24, 2020

Reference :- Sky anchor Paul Murray is back , angrier than ever .

Reference :-     Paul Murray seemed to think he was being clever  by referring to Prince Charles as" Chuck "  .  That started one of those interesting discussions among the kids .

You sure have hit the deck running when it comes to insults  Paul.   I don't bother checking your ratings , so you are in a better position to judge whether insulting somebody from a safe distance increases  them or not .  The psychology of your particular " brand "  is something I don't wish to explore .  It would be like searching in the toilet for a little plastic tooth filling you recently swallowed . Very unpleasant , and then what use is it anyway ?

 None of us out here are flag waving royalists or anything , but calling Prince Charles  "Chuck " ( and not just once . you seemed to get so much pleasure from it that once was not enough )  has got people talking way out here .    I guess we are sick of conversing  about fires and drought , and the meaty discussion we had concerning the ethics of name calling behind somebody's back was a  useful distraction .

My son Ken junior's  mate , Monte (the motorcyclist ),  thinks you might also refer to other prominent figures by the name " Chuck " .    You know,  for example , that scientist fellow whose theory  forever changed our view of nature and was later confirmed by the discovery of the molecular structure of the DNA double helix made from nitrogenous bases attached to linked nucleotides .  Monte reckons you would call him "Chuck" Darwin .    Or the silent movie comedy genius who brazenly ridiculed that genocidal German bloke with the funny moustache  in his movie " The Great Dictator " . Monte reckons you would call him "Chuck" Chaplin.   He even reckons you would call  Hollywood based psychotic murderer Charles Manson  "Chuck" , for short .

Well these gentleman are dead , but Ken junior reckons you wouldn't have the nerve to use a demeaning nickname to somebody's face .    Is that true Paul ?   You sometimes look big and bearded and manly in the right light , before you open your mouth .  Ken junior reckons that if you were invited to  Buckingham  Palace to have a cuppa with the Queen's family ,  you wouldn't be game to call  Prince Charles "Chuck"  to his actual face .  What do you think ?  At the local school it is considered bad form to call somebody names behind their  back . The kids say it is gutless .

 Ken junior's mate, Gabbo ( the aborigine ) ,has had to deal with the occasional name calling over the years , and he just laughs it off when it happens to his face .   He reckons the only person demeaned is the person trying to look clever at somebody else's expense .   He laughed and said I wonder if Mr Murray would call  Charles Manson  "Chuck" to his face in some dark lonely place off the edge of Mulholland Drive .

 Anyway Paul , the upshot of it all is that you have lost a few viewers up our way.
 But never mind ,  they are only kids with a sense of decency , and you won't have any trouble finding a few dolts to replace them .  

  Your comrade , Ken 

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