Friday, January 17, 2020

Reference :- It looks like there has been some vote buying going on .

Reference :-    Senator Bridget McKenzie is on her back foot yet again . This time it's accusations of good old fashioned pork barrelling prior to the recent election  .

Good morning Senator . It's nice to see some rain isn't it ?  Look , I am sure that flicking half a million quid across to Tony Abbott's rowing club had nothing to do with the coming election , and who says you have to follow the recommendations of the Sport Australia Board anyway  ?   You are the senator after all , and furthermore , what was wrong with keeping the Labor MPs out in the cold when cheques were being waved about ?   I mean , it's not your job to make them look good in their own electorate is it ?

In my view , these accusations of pork barrelling are a bit rich . Buying votes is a time honoured tradition , everybody does it , so it seems unfair to single you out for mishandling a lazy 100 million quid or so .   Which brings me to this , if I may be so bold .

 My son , Ken junior , runs a racing pigeon club out here in Kooralya  .  A lot of the kids lost their birds in the fires , and what with the drought and all , the club is suffering badly .  This is a pretty marginal electorate , with a surfeit of lefties always bleating on about social justice,  a fair go for all , and other such unrealistic bunkum .   You could do your party no harm by having a grant from Sport Australia  sent our way to revitalize the homing pigeon club .  The way things have been of late with the phone lines down we may end up needing the pigeons to carry letters in the event of an emergency , a fact which may lend strength to your case when you parley with those cashed up power brokers in the big smoke .

 We don't expect half a million , like Tony's rowing club , but if you could pony up a few grand we would be most grateful .     Please post our grant as a wad of tenners , if you can .  The banks all closed down in Kooralya years ago since there wasn't enough money laundering going on locally for them to make a profit , hence there is nowhere to present a bank draft  .    

 Thanking you in advance ,   Your comrade ,  Ken 

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