Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Reference :- It appears that cabinet minister Bridget McKenzie went on quite a spending spree.

Reference :-     Deputy Leader of the National Party , Bridget McKenzie slipped 36,000 quid of grant money to her shooting club in Wangaratta .  Oh , and was so busy blasting away that she forgot to mention it .

Never mind Bridget , all will be forgiven .   A mere 36 grand pales when compared with the destination of much of the other 100 million you gave yourself the right to spend .  Shame on the press for reporting it as though it was some kind of deplorable turpitude .

We have a shooting club up here in Kooralya .   My son Ken junior , and his mates  Monte ( the motorcyclist ) and Gabbo ( the aborigine ) are keen members .   Since they are also keen pigeon racers , they baulked at the expression " clay pigeon shooting ", and prefer to call their targets "clay cane toads " .   

The lads thought you might like to come up for a day , and show them a few pointers . You have to be a member , but they are prepared to sign you in gratis , and supply sausages and coleslaw for lunch .  ( If you are a vegan , let us know and we can do a baked spud instead )

The break would do you good , especially since the tabloids have been giving you a flogging of late .   Thank heavens  Mr Morrison has your back . He is a skilled marketer and your "brand"  , as they say these days , will be back on the top shelf before you know it .
You are quite welcome to stay in the sleep out , and we should have finished putting a door on it by the time you get here .  Not that it is unsafe here in Kooralya , but it will keep the mosies out .

 Do you enjoy the occasional wager ?    Gabbo ( the aborigine ) reckons he is a crack shot  with a firearm because  he is related to a soldier from WW2  he calls his great uncle Reg .     He reckons uncle Reg was made an officer during WW2 ,  though  he could be exaggerating .   Monte ( the motorcyclist ) looked it up in the Britannica , and thinks  it is true .  He reckons the black and white photo sure does look a lot like Gabbo.      
Anyway , Gabbo's shooting makes Annie Oakley look like a beginner , and he is keen to take you on .
 Without being too presumptuous , are you able to swing a grant our way ?    We could do with some solar panels on the club house  .  My son , Ken junior , recently fitted solar to our outhouse  , and did a marvelous job .    A grant of 10 grand should cover it , and if there is any left over we might be able to refill the water tank as well.

If you can help us , we will make sure your visit coincides with  one of our  " free bottle of Pink Yellowglen  at every table "  lunch days .   We generally run those every second Tuesday , but will gladly  change the day to suit your  busy schedule .

  Looking forward to your reply ,    Your comrade , Ken .

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