Reference:- After a bad week in parliament , Mr Morrison flexed his muscles and sacked some heads of department , amalgamating the existing 18 departments into 14 .
That's the way Mr Morrison, sir , show the public service who's boss . And I liked the way you didn't consult with the actual people involved to determine the usefulness or likely outcome of those sackings . You don't need to tell me that they are symbolic , so why care if departmental efficiency is enhanced or impaired ? A surprise attack like that is a time honoured way to regain some authority. I also liked the subtle the way you reminded everybody to do their job supporting the government .
But what a shame you can't sack that annoying young fool Angus Taylor now you have stood by him so many times , especially now he has further blotted what is surely the last page of his copybook . It surprises me that the lad is able to be so vocal , with all those silver spoons in his mouth .
Anyway , since union busting hasn't been a great success for you , pretending to
" bust bureaucratic congestion " might claw back some respect . Though how this will work mystifies me , along with the departments involved . Currently the government is unable to answer more than 48 million phone calls each annum , and another 5.3 million calls are abandoned . How do you reckon giving 4 out of 18 departments the heave ho will reduce those disgraceful numbers ?
I can see it was a good idea to remove the word " human " from the Department of Human Services . People expect too much from a a department so named . But remember to leave space on the letterheads so you can easily insert the word "inhuman " at a later date . Have you seen the price of printed stationary lately ? I hope all those cost savings you promise cover that expense , and the cost of paying people out , and moving the filing cabinets , and xerox machines and so forth .
Anyway , congratulations on a successful " bureaucratic bust ", you certainly have a knack for busting things . Lastly , returning to those millions of unanswered phone calls , perhaps it might not be as bad as it appears at first glance . My son , Ken junior , just reminded me that he made a few million of those himself , trying to find more about the chap involved in that tragic "palm oiled penis " incident . Also , Graham , the war veteran down the road says he has made a million calls about replacing one of the wooden spokes in his wheelchair .
Happy Prime Ministering , while it lasts .
Your comrade , Ken
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