Reference :- Mr Morrison has been given a nudge by his pubic relations geniuses . Indeed it is wise that he return home , the public's disdain for him will only grow if he continues to hide in a luxury hotel sipping pina coladas while the nation burns .
Get the first flight you can , Mr Morrison sir . It's not just the country burning over here . Your popularity with voters is also disappearing in a puff of smoke . Please remember my advice from a recent post , and in your first interview , try not to let your lips curl in that naughty school boy style sadistic half smile you are prone to. Here's a heads up . Your political opponent , Mr Albanese has been seen about the various hotspots , giving encouragement and sympathy . And far worse , he was even clever enough to resist taking a cheap swipe at you for buggering off when the chips are down . Don't you hate it when a political opponent shows some restraint !
But that is not the end of the threats you now face . Initially it was Mr McCormack who stood in for you during your absence . This was no threat to you , since the chap has the personality of a three day old cadaver . But lately , Mr Littleproud has been speaking on your behalf , and the lad does come across as being very sincere , and also very concerned for the well being of every Australian. That is the sort of thing that can undermine your position . You should consider sending him on a fact finding mission to the Galapagos Islands , or similar far flung clime , upon your return .
Lastly , rather than spending another 190,000 quid on pubic relations spivs , I would suggest a quick trip to your local cosmetic dentist for a shot of botox in your levator anguli oris muscles . These are the muscles that produce that involuntary smirk when you don't give a rat's arse about something.
That should only cost a a couple of hundred quid and saves you the trouble of thinking . Botox usually lasts a few months , so with luck one dose might see you out .
No need to thank me , it's always a pleasure to offer advice .
Your comrade , Ken
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