Friday, November 1, 2019

Reference :- Chris Kenny championed the cause of the " majority of people " in the UK who desperately want to leave the EU.

Reference :-      Chris Kenny seems pleased that there will be an election  in the UK , so the will of the "majority ( who voted for brexit )  is honoured by parliament .  This post  takes a closer  look at this overwhelming majority .

  Good morning Chris .  The fight for democracy never ends .  That brexit referendum certainly was an unambiguous win for the brexiters .   A very unambiguous 51 .89 % of the vote to   48.11 % for the  remainers .  But it's not a huge margin is it , really ?  And if we adjust for the percentage of the people who didn't vote at all (28% )  , we have about one third of voters ticking the exit box , and two thirds of voters  ticking  either the remain box or not voting at all .  That hardly constitutes an overwhelming majority  does it ?   

 And it gets more complicated .  Many of those who voted for Brexit , once they realised they had been lied to in the run up to the referendum , have since changed their minds .  Combined results from  82  recent polls show that the remainers now comfortably outnumber the brexiters .   Personally , I reckon that brexiters telling all those lies at the outset was unwise .  Admittedly there is no shortage of folk who have stated  "  I don't care if I was lied to about it " , but for some reason lots of people get a bit antsy when they discover their vote was influenced by lies .
Poor Boris Johnson has copped quite a bit of flak , and has lost jobs in the past because he is apparently inclined to tell the occasional porkie .   Anyway , since the seal has been broken , he may as well lie his head off now, what can he lose ?   I hope he still has those buses displaying signs declaring 350 million sterling per week saved for the NHS if the UK dumps the EU .   Although he has publicly admitted it was "incorrect "  , perhaps he could clarify further , tell a bigger lie, and state the figure is actually  far more ! 

 It wouldn't cost much to change the "3" to a "4" , and  a sign reading 450 million  would garner  more votes.  Don't be complacent about that Brexit win , Chris .  It looks touch and go .  The fight for democracy indeed never ends , and the essence of a true democracy is being able to lie to the voters to get what you want , is it not ?

Your comrade , Ken.

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