Thursday, January 9, 2025

Reference:- Veteran actor James Woods became teary while being interviewed about the loss of his mansion in the California wildfires .

 Reference:-  Folk who don't approve of Mr Wood's strong support for the genocide in Gaza , have suggested that the loss of his own house is Karma .

Dear Mr Woods , 

                                The team at The Sky Reply is greatly saddened to hear that your place has burned down . It is so unfair .  You chose your dwelling with great care , not expecting that it would be destroyed in a terrible conflagration .   I mean , if you had bought a place in Gaza , people would be laughing at you for choosing such a place to settle down in your dotage .  To use your very own words , people might even be saying that you and everybody you know , and your family , including the children ,  should all be killed and  buried with the entrails of pigs . ( Although , as you are a Catholic , I guess pig entrails mightn't bother you the way you assume they might bother a Muslim . )

Anyway Mr Woods , stay chipper , and think on the bright side . At least you don't have to move location every two days while wheeling a starving five year old child with no legs in a fucked wheelchair .   ( Excuse the strong language , but I am told you are comfortable with the use of profanity in your movies .  I must watch one some day . ) 

And here is a tip you might find useful . When your domicile burns to the ground  ,  deciding what to do next can be difficult ,  what with the despoilment of your goods and chattels and all . Why not ask for advice from one of the international charities that are kept busy erecting tents , feeding and providing medical care for the two million folk in Gaza who are doing it tough at the moment ?  Many of the humanitarian folk who work for those charities have not been killed yet , so I daresay you will be able to get somebody on the blower .  But don't delay , humanitarian workers  do have an appalling mortality rate . 

As expected,  the interweb is full of unkind remarks about your tragic loss , frequently referencing " Karma " .   A man of your stature has no truck with such ridiculous notions as "Karma " .  Just stand your ground and tell them in your trademark style  " go fuck yourselves " . 

Mind you , on this occasion I would refrain from saying they should all be killed and buried in pig's guts . It might be one or your best rebukes , but why tempt fate ....again ? 

And to quote our great socialist songster  , Bob Marley " Don't worry , about a thing . Cause every little thing , gonna be alright . " 

Your comrade , Ken .

PS .  Here's a little humour to cheer you up . Last night I was listening to the news of the Hollywood fires on our little radio . The reception is not good out here in Kooralya , but the vivid description of the devastating fires was successfully surfing the airwaves . .  Ken junior asked me what I was listening to . 

" Fox News " , I said . 

" Oh , I thought it was one of those old George Carlin stand-up comedy routines ." , Ken junior said . 

 Talk about laugh ! 

Your comrade , Ken

Friday, December 27, 2024

Reference :- Sometimes an old bloke knows something young folk don't .

Reference :- Despite the wonders of the interweb , sometimes young folk encounter a topic they know nothing about . 

Last eve we were sweltering away beneath the squeaky ceiling fan when Ken junior asked an unexpected question .  

" What in God's name is a " Punch and Judy Show " ? , Ken junior said . 

It's not often that I have the lad's attention , so I was grateful for the opportunity to showcase my deep knowledge of our cultural heritage and demonstrate my willingness to respectfully share this knowledge with my son . 

" What ?  You don't know about "Punch and Judy" ? What planet have you been living on , you cretin ? " , I said . 

Ken junior rolled his eyes . 

" So are you going to tell me ? " , Ken junior said . 

So I told Ken junior about the Punch and Judy puppet show , its origins centuries ago in Italy , it's  popularity and evolution in England , and it's pinnacle of development as cheap entertainment for both adults and children during the reign of Queen Victoria . 

" In summary , it is a puppet show to entertain  the masses . The puppet stage generally features one character on stage left , and an antagonist on stage right who violently attack each other during an ill defined argument that makes no sense .  The violence of the confrontation is what engages the audience , rather than the weak premise of the argument . " ,  I said . 

" And that's it ?  Does anything else happen during a Punch and Judy Show ? " , Ken junior said . 

" Often there are pick pockets in the audience who help themselves to wallets and purses and jewellery  and the suchlike while everybody is distracted . " , I said . 

 " I reckon it is a good thing that these days we can stay home where it is safe and watch the tele for entertainment instead . " ,  Ken junior said . 

 At this point Monte joined the conversation . 

"  While we are asking  questions , can somebody briefly explain what is meant by the term MSM ? " , Monte said . 

 Gabbo looked up from the book he was reading . 

 " That is an acronym for the Mainstream Media . " , Gabbo said . 

" And how would you describe that ? " , Monte said . 

" It's just the modern version of a Punch and Judy Show  ", Gabbo said . 

Gabbo returned to his book . Everybody seemed satisfied with the description .

 It warms my heart when the lads reveal a deep understanding of which I was unaware . 

Merry Saturnalia to one and all. 

Your comrade , Ken .


Monday, December 23, 2024

Reference :- The Sky Reply has written a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia , Mr Albanese .

Reference:-   Surely Mr Albanese does not approve of Goebbels style censorship in Australia ? 

Dear Mr Albanese , 

                                   You are a busy man , and you have achieved much in a short time .  I must say that I approve of the Cabinet team you have put together . Most of them are very competent in their roles , although I sometimes worry that Senator Penny Wong feels the great burden she bears as Foreign Affairs Minister .   All that tongue biting , and balancing on the razor edge of diplomacy with incompetent leaders from the USA and the UK in particular must be hard work .   Be sure to look after her .

Anyway , that's enough praise for now , so let me move on to a concern that begs to be raised .  As a busy man you probably only get the chance to read The Sky Reply a few times each month , so you may not yet have seen our last post about  " The Bibi Files " documentary . 

It seems that despite this documentary's huge popularity world wide ( including Israel where it is banned , but able to be streamed by those skilled at penetrating  the interweb ) ) ,  we are still not allowed to see it here in Australia . Who on earth has made that dreadful decision ?  You have often spoken about your strong opposition to antisemitism , so why would you allow such a blatantly antisemitic infringement on the right for Jewish folk in Australia to view this apparently excellent expose . 

The director , Alexis Bloom is the daughter of a Jew.  She has produced this documentary for the benefit of both the Jewish citizens of Israel , and the diaspora .  By revealing  Mr Netanyahu's corruption and odious personality she is showing the world that many ( in fact most ) Jews do not wish to have their country ruled by a corrupt racist war criminal  .   The many Jews in Israel and throughout the world protesting for Mr Netanyahu's arrest would have their position highlighted by this documentary . Surely this is likely to diminish antisemitism ? 

But putting that aside , the entire notion of censoring documentaries is a slippery slope indeed .  Before you know it we might be banned from watching documentaries about Putin's corruption , or China's plans for world domination , or Iran's secret nuclear facilities , or Bashar al-Assad's mass graves . 

I feel confident that after reading this you will reprimand whoever has banned " The Bibi Files " , and ensure that it is released here .  Australians ( including Jewish Australians) will then be able , like the rest  of the world,  to rationally discuss it's merits .  After all , we don't live in a nanny state ... do we ?

 Ken junior just reminded me of an hilarious joke on the subject .  

A foreign tourist terminated his holiday early , and posted on social media that he found Australia to be the most bland and over-regulated country he had ever visited .  "  I don't know how people can live there . There are so many rules ! " , he said .  A patriotic Australian responded by saying "  I am sick of tourists like you coming over here and then complaining about everything . There ought to be a law against it . " 

Your comrade , Ken 

PS .  Remember how our former Prime Minister , Gough Whitlam , used to refer to his colleagues as " comrade " ?   Ah..... those were the days !


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Reference :- Israeli Prime Minister , Mr Bibi Netanyahu faces trial over corruption charges this week .

 Reference :-   While  Mr Netanyahu , prepares himself for court , a documentary called " The Bibi Files " has been released . 

Here at the Sky Reply we were surprised to discover  that a documentary , " The Bibi Files " has recently been released . Apparently it contains leaked police file footage of Mr Netanyahu being questioned regarding allegations of corruption . The timing is far from ideal for Mr Netanyahu .  This documentary could diminish the effectiveness of his bombing of Syria 800 plus times in the past few days as a strategy to shore up support for his administration and distract public attention from his trial . 

This morning we were chowing down on some excellent lamb chops that Monte had got us for breakfast when Ken junior suggested that since it was raining , we might as well watch that "The Bibi Files" documentary to see what all the fuss is about . Apparently it has gone viral in Israel via sites that the Israeli authorities can't ban . 

" Since it is raining , we might as well watch that " The Bibi Files " documentary.  Apparently it has gone viral in Israel via sites that the Israeli authorities can't ban . ", Ken junior said . 

Well , try as we might , we couldn't unload it from the interweb .  The lads eventually gave up , saying that the documentary had not only been banned in Israel , but was also unavailable for viewing in the USA , UK , Canada , New Zealand and Australia .  Apparently you can watch it anywhere else on the globe that is in range of the interweb ....whenever you like .

Doubtless , since we live in a free democracy , it will be available in Australia very soon . We value freedom of expression very highly here , after all . 

Anyway , that's all for now folks . Our favourite magpie is on the verandah sheltering from the downpour , and I daresay he is hopeful of cadging a few left over lamb chop scraps .  

Your comrade , Ken 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Reference :- Two members of the Israeli Defense Force were recently refused visas to visit Australia.

 Reference :-   Two members of the IDF had to leave Australia without attending their grandmother's 100th birthday.  Australian authorities have been accused of antisemitism .

Dear Aggrieved IDF members , 

It must be a great disappointment , travelling across the globe for a family celebration , only to be told to bugger off and go home .  As an Australian , I feel a duty to offer my heartfelt apologies for your inhumane treatment by our government .  Governments have no right to restrict the travel of ordinary citizens , or tell them where to go.   Except , of course , in Gaza and the West Bank , but that is a very different situation .  You never know what a five year old Palestinian child might do if you let them visit their grandmother whenever they liked .... or a school .....or a hospital ..... or the bombed out remains of their home . 

It must have been humiliating when you were asked to fill out a 13 page questionnaire in some ghastly little air-conditioned office at immigration control .  But look on the bright side , at least you were not being tortured to death in that Negev Desert prison facility where you guys detain human animals for years without trial .   And look , I am not being critical here , Israel has the right to run its prisons as it pleases ( within the rules of International Law obviously) , I am simply pointing out how fortunate you are that Australia currently cannot afford to run a similar facility .  Especially since , unlike Israel , we don't get funded to the tune of billions by struggling taxpayers  in the USA .

But lest you allow your disappointment to cloud your better judgement , let me offer some advice , if that is not too presumptuous .  Whatever you do , don't ask silly questions with obvious answers .  It deprives you of dignity .

 For example , you shouldn't have asked   " Why are we being treated by friendly allies as war criminals ? "  , since the obvious answer is .... because you are suspected of involvement in war crimes .  That was what the grueling 13 page questionnaire was all about .... remember ?

Furthermore , you should ask your news media back home to cease making outlandish statements which damage your credibility .  These days anybody with a mobile phone can fact check propaganda , so when the Israeli media accuses the Australian government of antisemitism because they are denying  Jewish people entry to the Antipodes , one can readily access the figures that show more than 11,000 Jewish folk have been granted visas in the past 12 months .

Back in the land that God promised you  ( and where you can safely live free of war crimes accusations ) , your former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked is also miffed because she was denied an Australian visa .  She may well be willing to have a cuppa with you to discuss your shared experience .   If you do get the chance for a chinwag with her , you could ( very politely ) suggest that calling the Australian Government " anti-Israeli , extreme pro-Palestinian , with elements of antisemitism " , and saying " these are dark days for Australian democracy ; they have chosen the wrong side of history  . " is no way to win friends at the Aussie visa desk . 

Anyway guys , stay calm . This is why you have your own country , so you have somewhere to go when you are unceremoniously kicked out of some dark hellhole of a country that festers on the wrong side of history .  

Your comrade , Ken . 

PS. I hope your siblings ( the four whose visa applications were straightforward ) enjoyed your grandmother's birthday and their stay in Australia .  



Thursday, December 5, 2024

Reference:- Young folk here in Australia are being recruited by the Israeli Defense Force ( IDF ) .

Reference :- Perhaps these idealistic recruits  should check the Australian Criminal Code  before jaunting off to Israel to serve in the IDF . 

Dear Idealistic Young Recruits of Australia , 

                                                                          Good on you , I say , for supporting  the " Rules Based International Order " of which we are all so proud .  Doubtless you are heading off to the Cradle of Civilisation , there in the Levant , eager to fight for justice , freedom , and human dignity .  But one must always be fully aware of what one is becoming a party to , lest one be unprepared for blowback in the future . 

For old codgers like me , the future is a short prospect , but you young ones have decades of life ahead . You might plan to one day settle in the leafy burbs of  Oz , with a comely spouse, a good job , and   perhaps raise a couple of offspring .  This is certainly the place to embark upon such an enterprise , what with the absence of bombing , shooting , starvation and forced displacement . Furthermore we have excellent hospitals where the amputation of children's limbs sans anesthesia or antibiotics is almost unheard of these days . 

The opportunities on offer for you here in Oz are priceless , and one should not place them in peril without a full understanding of the risks. 

Boring though it may be , we have a legal thingy here called :-

" The Commonwealth Criminal Code  Act 1995 " .  

Section 119.4 states that travel to a foreign country ( I think Israel counts as a foreign country ) for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities is a criminal offense punishable by life imprisonment .  That sure would muck up any plans you may have for your return to Oz . 

Furthermore , Section 119.7 states that recruiting somebody to serve in any capacity in the armed force of another country is also a criminal act punishable by life imprisonment . 

The fact that both the Prime Minister of Israel , Mr Netanyahu , and his former head of the military , Mr Gallant   , have been indicted for war crimes is further cause for concern . It hardly helps one's cries of innocence if the people one has been enthusiastically helping turn out to be appalling war criminals .

Now , don't panic .  There are sensible ways to minimize the risk of throwing your life away .  And I don't mean by having your legs blown off fighting those human animals called  Hamas .     I refer to the likelihood that you will be arrested , perhaps in twenty years  ( you know , like a Nazi in Argentina ) , brought to trial  , and locked away for good . 

Ken junior is more your age , so I have asked him to provide some advice , since you will relate to him more readily . He has offered tips , based on what he has seen thus far , and here they are . 

1.  Don't talk anybody else into joining you , lest you breach Section 119.7 of the criminal code . 

2.  If you can't resist dressing up in the underwear of murdered Palestinian women  , don't take videos . 

3.  If you must  play with the toys of murdered children or ride their trikes , don't take videos . 

4. If you torture doctors and smash life saving hospital equipment , don't take videos . 

5.  If you blow up Universities , don't take videos . 

6.  If you dress Israeli children as Palestinians and smear them with fake blood for a joke, don't take videos  . 

7.  If you shoot and kill surrendering Israeli hostages , don't take videos . 

8.  If you run a sniping competition to see who can shoot the most unarmed Palestinians in one day don't say that children should count for more points because they make smaller targets. And don't take videos . 

9.  If you crack jokes saying that it doesn't matter about destroying Palestinian schools because all the children are dead , don't take videos . 

10. If you rape Palestinian prisoners in the Sde Teiman detention camp in the Negev Desert , perforating their bowels in the process , don't take videos . 

Those are Ken junior's ten best tips . 

I would add , if you don't want to spend the rest of your life worrying that the long arm of the law could drag you to prison at any moment , then don't go ! 

There are endless ways to support genocide without risking death or jail . Why not do some fundraising ? At a local gun club perhaps ?  

Or maybe start a blog . You would be amazed by how many people read them . 

Your comrade , Ken . 

PS .  Our local defense forces are suffering from a shortage of recruits . That might make our socialist government more inclined to press charges against those with questionable loyalty .  So perhaps a career in the military here might be a better option .  Surely one day they will let you shoot somebody .


Friday, November 29, 2024

Reference :- Former radio shock jock and Sky News presenter , Alan Jones , is facing charges of sexual misconduct .

Reference :-  Sky News has not given much air time to the Alan Jones story . 

Dear Alan , 

                    What a disgrace our media have become .  Apart from your old employer , Sky News , the vultures in the mainstream media have been feasting on stories about your alleged misconduct .   But as your compadre and soul mate , Peta Credlin , so brilliantly stated  " in this country you are innocent until proven guilty "  . Good on her for showing such strong support . She further stated that she had associated with you in " many contexts "  .  No doubt many others have, and I daresay the courts will be hearing from them too , so you have nothing to worry about . 

It was with great disappointment that I watched young Andrew Bolt's guarded response to those vile allegations . But Andy has never been a team player like you .   Remember how he dropped poor Chris Smith like a hot spud ...... and  then watched gleefully as Chris was carted off to the loony bin after allegedly pulling his pecker out at that Sky News Christmas party ?   

So while you may find the lack of support displayed by the Sky News crew  disappointing ,  don't let it get to you .  The Alan Jones we learned to love would tell them all to  " get stuffed   " , and that is what you should do now . 

 Should you find yourself incarcerated for an interminable time in some cold cell devoid of comfort or a TV set , be sure to take a few books with you .  The wheels of justice turn slowly , as we know . 

  For a light witty read , I suggest " The Unexpurgated Code " by J P Donleavy .  On page 43 the chapter headed " Upon the Sudden Reawakening of Your Sordid Background "  will have you in stitches with laughter .   And furthermore , contains useful tips  regarding the denial of scandalous accusations . 

We live in a shallow society where folk are all too ready to believe the worst of a chap , especially a colorful local identity like yourself .    But stay chipper , as always you have plenty of dedicated supporters at your back .

Your comrade , Ken